About Us
Our Mission
To offer our experience, knowledge and expertise to our clients and provide them with the confidence and security of knowing that paving professionals have their back and strive to ensure they receive the value they deserve and the quality they expect for every dollar they invest.
We Are
A Consulting Firm specializing in asphalt pavements and possess a unique set of skills, knowledge and unmatched expertise that can only be attained from the experiences collected over the past 38 years within the asphalt paving industry.
We Consult
With the Board Members, Facility Managers, Home Owners Associations, Property Managers, Maintenance Supervisors, Property Management Firms, Land Developers and Individuals responsible for the Management, Maintenance and Safety of their pavements, along with the Acquisition Teams researching a potential purchase.
We Offer
A Rare Collection of services designed exclusively for the board members and the personnel who make the decisions that directly influence the safety of their properties, the condition of their pavements and the capital accounts used to finance them.
Why Us
Knowledge & Expertise. We understand the different types of paving materials, their strengths and their intended purpose.
We know the best materials to use for different applications along with the paving and compaction techniques needed to insure the quality and longevity of the pavements.
The Difference
What makes us different from our competitors is Our Experience! Every Day we work with pavements. Not just once or twice a year but every day because this is our specialty. We don’t give advice on roofs, windows or building facades because we are not experts in those fields and we do not claim to be.
Experience Counts
And...Because Experience Counts we are much better equipped to identify the root cause of pavement failures engineer solutions and provide corrective actions with fiscally responsible spec designs that match the traffic demands to each facility.